A lot of people have been asking about harvest this year. As many of you know we didn't have a really warm summer. Grapes like warm summers because the sugars build up in the grapes producing a ripe, fruity grape with the correct amount of sugar and acid. When you have a summer like we had with inconsistent temperatures, the grapes ripen unevenly. With our Northward facing vineyards which lie on a subtle slope and with our careful canopy management, we are able to capture the greatest amount of sun even when we have a colder summer. Luckily, it worked! Our Cab came in perfectly! Our Sangiovese did struggle though. We waited a long time for the Brix (sugar content in the berry) to get to the right level, but the Sangiovese grapes never really achieved that. The berries were beginning to turn to raisins and we made a decision to pick before a late October rain came through. Luckily, they did OK through fermentation and pressing. But, the Sangiovese 2010 may just be a little different. So goes the world of wine...